Hey there! I’m Chris Harvey, and I love math, music, working out, coding, and
hanging out with my dog, Axel. I graduated from Fairfax High School in Fairfax, VA, and earned degrees in
Mathematics and
Education from
Virginia Tech. Someday, I plan to go back and finish my
Music degree. Right now I live in
Falls Church, VA, working for a non-profit association.
I have two years of experience
teaching math
(Algebra II and then 7th Grade Math).
While those experiences were valuable and educational, I’ve decided to take a break
from my teaching career. I’m getting paid doing something that has always been just a
hobby—developing for the Web.
Employers:Check out my résumé.
I did a pretty good job describing my skill set and experience, but I feel the
source code
speaks for itself.